Hi, I'm Dallas Jackson from Mt. Uniacke, Nova Scotia. My mother, June (Youden) Kirby, has been gathering bits and pieces about the Youden clan from Newfoundland for many years. She has to take most of the credit for the long hours spent at the Newfoundland archives digging out these tidbits. Then, through the power of the internet, I met my new cousin Carol Krompocker, and we pooled our resources to bring you this web site. Hopefully, we can link up with Youdens in other countries.
Hello I'm Carol (Youden) Krompocker from Powell River, B.C. My great grandfather Samuel Youden and wife Mary Jane came to B.C. with their family in 1900. My grandfather Gerrald Youden was born in Vancouver, B.C. We never new any other Youden's or even heard the name except for Grandpa and a few of his brothers. While growing up we thought we must be the only ones in the world with this surname. Too my surprise through research there is a huge family of Youden's, starting from Thomas Youden and his wife Elizabeth Hiscox. I was fortunate enough to attend a common surname reunion at Virginia Beach in 1997, where I met many Youden's and gathered a great wealth of info and knowledge. My father was reconnected with a few of his cousins. Since then I've met others through the mail or email who have helped me tremendously. A special thanks to Dallas for all her help and support through the years. Together I believe we will put the whole family together.
This is a work in progress, so please contact us if you have any information that might help round out the picture. |